Known as Bombay until a few decades ago, Mumbai is one of the major Indian cities, which is located on its west coast, overlooking the Arabian Sea. With nearly 14 million people it holds the record for the most densely populated cities in the world with as many as 31,200 inhabitants per square kilometer. It is also ranked fifth among the most populous cities in the world, after Shanghai, Karachi, Beijing, and Tokyo. The beach life is one of the reasons that annually attract in Mumbai a large number of tourists from every part of the globe. The best beaches in the city are two, of which one is the biggest one and the other is the most popular. Mumbai is a real paradise for all those who love sea landscapes and the life that certain types of beaches animate, especially during the summer season. In the city there are two beaches, very different from each other but united by the incredible fun that makes you want to live day after day, leaving a lasting impression on all tourists who ...